Congressional Hearing for H.R. 5482 “The Energy Poverty Prevention and Accountability Act of 2023”. On Tuesday December 12th, 2023, The House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a hearing to prevent energy poverty and ensure that at-risk communities have access to affordable energy in America.
Derrick Hollie testimony at 51:29-56:48-minute mark
Congressional Hearing “Advancing Environmental Justice Through Climate Action.” Thursday, July 15, 2021, The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis
The hearing will review opportunities to advance environmental justice through climate action, including targeting infrastructure investments to environmental justice communities, understanding the impact of extreme heat on low-income workers and students, and supporting tribal investments in clean energy and climate resilience.
Derrick Hollie testimony at 30:48-36:03 minute mark
Congressional Hearing “The Clean Future Act And Environmental Justice: Protecting Frontline communities” Thursday, April 15, 2021, The Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change of the Committee on Energy and Commerce
Derrick Hollie testimony at 39:43-45:12 minute mark
Congressional Hearing “Environmental Justice For All Act” Thursday, October 1, 2020, Full Committee Hearing for The House Natural Resources Committee. To restore, reaffirm, and reconcile environmental justice and civil rights, provide for the establishment of the Interagency Working Group on Environmental Justice Compliance and Enforcement, and for other purposes.“Environmental Justice for All Act”.
Derrick Hollie testimony at 20:44-26:03 minute mark
Congressional Hearing on climate change bills H.R. 5435 (Rep. Grijalva) Wednesday, February 26, 2020. To require the Secretary of the Interior and the Chief of the United States Forest Service to meet certain targets for the reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes. “American Public Lands and Waters Climate Solution Act of 2019. H.R. 5859 (Rep. Westerman), To establish forest management, reforestation, and utilization practices which lead to the sequestration of greenhouse gases, and for other purposes. “Trillion Trees Act.”
Derrick Hollie testimony at 55:31-1:00.48 minute mark
Congressional Hearing, “The Impact Of Climate Change On American Communities” February 6, 2019, Full Committee Hearing for The House Natural Resources Committee on Climate Change.
Derrick Hollie testimony, C-Span
America's Energy Crisis "Has Been Self-Inflicted by this Administration," Says Derrick Hollie
Biden Destroyed U.S. Energy Independence. Now We Are Funding Russian Tyranny, Says Derrick Hollie
We have the solution to our energy crisis here at home. No need for energy poverty. #energypoverty #energyinjustice #americanenergy #energypolicy #oilandgas.
Climate change, is it really a crisis? Not everyone seems to thinks so. #energypoverty #climatechange #energyinjustice
History is repeating itself, just like in the 70's the United States failing to produce energy domestically created a crisis causing long term political and economic impact.
Releasing oil from our strategic reserve is Public Relations stunt and band-aid to our energy crisis. #energypoverty #energyinjustice